Becoming a Priest
Becoming a priest is a joyful and thoughtful process. Vocations Boston invites you to explore your calling to the Priesthood. Take the first step by learning more about this path now.

The process of discernment, of knowing whether you are called to the vocation of priesthood, is a journey that requires care, effort, and diligence. This deepening of your Catholic faith takes time of prayer and exploration, where God reveals His plan for how you can live your life joyfully through Him. He may call you to become a priest, or He may have other plans for you, like marriage and family. You may be unsure along the way and may try different paths. Know that God loves you and wants you to be a holy and joy-filled man.
You can stake your life on this! He will guide you and bring you into deeper and clearer understanding– you open your heart to Him and be unafraid.
An intentional and thoughtful discernment journey brings you to take the next step and formally present yourself to the Church for possible acceptance into seminary. We will help you every step of the way. Together, we discern, and we invite you at the right time to apply for sponsorship by the Archbishop of Boston and interview at a seminary.
Begin Your Journey
We know the way.
Connect with us to begin your discernment journey.