Seminary Formation
“And he went up on the mountain and called to him those whom he desired; and they came to him. And he appointed twelve, to be with him, and to be sent out to preach and have authority to cast out demons”
(Mk. 3:13-15).
Seminary formation is all about preparing you to serve Christ and his Church. The goal is for you to become a holy priest who can lead and pastor Christ’s flock as a parish in the diocese of Boston.
There are four primary areas of formation: Human, Spiritual, Intellectual, and Pastoral. Focus on these areas ensures that you will grow in all aspects and emerge a mature man capable and ready to be ordained to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ.
1) Human Formation

To know humanity means dedicating yourself to truth, compassion, justice, balance, and respect for every person. You must develop a healthy psychological and emotional life, mature friendships, right disposition toward authority and celibacy, leadership skills, and positive social interactions within a community.
Your human formation makes you a man capable of reflecting the human perfection shining forth in the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Your personality will then become a bridge and not an obstacle for others in their meeting with Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of humanity.
2) Spiritual Formation

The basic principle of spiritual formation is “to live in intimate and unceasing union with God the Father through his Son, Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit”. This union, a deep and lasting relationship with God, is His gift to you and your future ministry.
Spiritual Formation in the seminary includes having a Spiritual Director, a priest with whom you will meet on a regular basis. It also includes a life of prayer: daily Liturgy of the Hours, devotional prayer, regular Confession, devotion to the Blessed Mother, retreats, and days of personal reflection and meditation.
3) Intellectual Formation

Your intellectual formation means becoming a priest who seeks an ever-deeper knowledge of the divine mysteries. You do this so that you may go out and teach the Gospel to all people and bring them the eternal joy and salvation of Christ. As a His disciple, you not only learn about Christ, but about all things that will help you bring Christ to others.
4) Pastoral Formation

Pastoral formation is where everything comes together and you are formed into a true shepherd of souls after the example of our Lord Jesus Christ (teacher, priest, and shepherd). By the grace of Holy Orders, a priest stands and acts in the name and person of Jesus Christ in the community.
• through his human personality as a bridge,
• through his personal witness of faith rooted in his spiritual life,
• and through his knowledge of faith.
This transition happens in stages with support at every step. Each year in seminary, you become more deeply involved in pastoral activity outside of the seminary community in parish settings and in charitable institutions (such as by visiting those in prison, hospitals, and homeless shelters). As you draw closer to ordination, you spend most of your time serving and residing at a parish. Then, in your final year and as an ordained Transitional Deacon, you enter intentionally into a particular parish.
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About the Seminary
These seminarians all started out right where you are now — exploring their calling and probably feeling the same anticipation you feel as well. You are in good and blessed company.

Meet our Seminarians
These seminarians all started out right where you are now — exploring their calling and probably feeling the same anticipation you feel as well. You are in holy and blessed company.

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