Discerning the Priesthood
Should you go to Seminary?
A great question to ask when considering the seminary: “What is the best next step I can take right now to draw closer to the vocation God has for me?”

The process of discernment in general and the priesthood specifically can be looked at as a process, like the ripening of a fruit tree. The tree needs to be nourished with water, sunlight, and good soil. In the same way, you need the right conditions to effectively discern your calling, such as a commitment to prayer, generosity, and living a holy, moral Catholic life. The fruit of this tree should not be picked too early or left too long. Therefore, you should act by moving forward prudently as you prayerfully determine God’s vocation for you. With proper reflection you can overcome any fear you may have and find your God given vocation.
What is Seminary?

Diocesan or Religious Order?

Diocesan Priests
A diocesan priest is called to be a spiritual father of a local parish under a bishop in a geographical region called a diocese. His overall mission is to stand as ‘Christ the Head’ for the body of Christ in the local community. He provides for the spiritual needs of his flock in their everyday lives, especially through the sacraments, but also in his preaching and governing the ministry of the church. What most people experience rarely, a diocesan priest often experiences in just one day:

Religious Order Priests
A religious order priest (like Franciscans, Benedictines, etc.) is first and foremost called to be a Religious Brother in the Consecrated Life. He consecrates himself to God by taking vows of the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience. He thus first fulfills his calling by living the Christian life in a radical way, through the vows of a particular community where other brothers do the same.
Learn more about the Priesthood

About the Seminary

Seminary Formation
Seminary formation is all about preparing you to serve Christ and His Church. The goal is for you to become a holy priest who can lead and pastor Christ’s flock as a parish in the diocese of Boston.

Meet Our Seminarians
These seminarians all started out right where you are now — exploring their calling and probably feeling the same anticipation you feel as well. You are in holy and blessed company.

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We hope the videos and this discernment guidebook of part I of Scivias has been helpful to you in arriving at before pursuing your God-given vocation. Action leads to certainty, not the other way around.
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